Remote sessions

Why opt for remote sessions?
  • To optimize your time or overcome geographic or confinement constraints, you can opt for regular or one-off remote support using interfaces such as WhatsApp, Skype or Zoom.
How does it work?
  • Sophrology sessions take place in the same way as in the office, in a spirit of confidentiality and listening to your needs. Video allows us to stay connected throughout the session.
  • What you need: a computer with a camera, a tablet or smartphone, an email address and a decent internet connection.
  • If you have connection difficulties, I will help you step by step.
Some practical information
  • Credit card payment via the Sumup secure virtual terminal, or by bank transfer
  • To communicate via Skype or Zoom in good conditions, it is advisable to have a broadband connection and a web-cam (for video chats)
  • Headphones or earphones often improve the quality of communication
  • Download zoom or skype for free

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